“HORSE”, with its body of might and power, summons respect as you are invited to embrace the spirit of this basket. Legends and symbolisms are many ~ individuals rode into the world on “HORSE” in celebration of birth ~ and rode out of the world on “HORSE” for their journey into eternity. “HORSE’ has been pivotal in the spread of civilization ~ enabling people to explore and find freedom from the burdensome confines of a rigid environment.
Some have been chosen to receive the gift of appreciation and reverence as the Observer of “HORSE”. Others have been chosen to communicate directly with “HORSE” as the ‘Rider. The gifts are of equal value and purpose.
Your basket maker invites you to embrace the blessings of “HORSE”: Rise above that which is common and renew your sense of power!
Be Blessed –
In Ponderosa Country -
Judy Arledge